Sunday, October 19, 2014

Unlearning the Myths the Bind Us 


I really liked this article because I agree that people don't see the influence that the media has over them. We watch television and we accept  the images that we see as normal, but in fact they are destroying who we are. The media wants us to all think or act a certain way, and its sickening. I never really thought about how fairy tales and cartoons can have such a impact on children.  When I go back and watch these movies, I can see exactly what this text is talking about. The subliminal messages are all throughout books, movies, any form of media. The problem is, that growing up, we don't see the damage it causes. It is only when we are older, that we see how it affected us as children. Its sad that programs meant for children would be made to be racist, all about money,  or lacking diversity. We are taught to accept others for who they are, but even television isn't doing that. Although there are some disney princesses now, of different races and cultures. I think that the lack of diversity has made Disney think twice about the stereotypical princess. They actually have princesses who don't end up with a prince now, so the stereotypes of how women are portrayed are changing. Even though media is changing in small doses, it is still degrading and unrealistic. The worst thing to do is sugarcoat reality and brainwash the people, but that is what the media does. 

The link I chose was about the gender stereotypes in Disney movies, and how they have changed over time. There are influences for girls that are more than just a dress and heels, but about being strong and fighting for what you believe in. The movie Mulan and Brave show these ideals, that a woman doesn't have to take on a traditional role to be successful or happy. The princes, are also not as macho as they used to be, which shows boys that being tough isn't the most important thing. 

How is anything supposed to change? We can't control the media, all we can do is make sure we educate ourselves and our future students about these stereotypes. Racism isn't going to end by students analyzing media. The media is always going to be presenting these ideas to the public. It is a sad thing to have to witness, but at least we can acknowledge it. 

1 comment:

  1. i really enjoyed reading this, especially the part about disney having gender sterotypes. its so true because they make it seem like young girls need to act a certain way and so do young boys. which is not true, a person is allowed to act however they chose to.
